Sharelynn Moore

Vice President, Global Marketing and Public Affairs

Sharelynn Moore has more than 20 years of experience in the energy and technology sectors. In 2013, she was named vice president of Global Marketing and Public Affairs. In this role, Moore is responsible for all global marketing and public affairs activities for Itron, including development of strategic marketing objectives, oversight of internal and external communications and management of external affairs including community investment and government relations. Previously, Moore served as vice president of Corporate Communications after holding a variety of product- and marketing-related roles during her more than 12 years at Itron. In previous assignments, Moore focused on the strategy, management and marketing of Itron's Automated Meter Reading (AMR) solutions, network technologies, and enterprise meter data management software. Prior to joining Itron, Moore held marketing and product management roles at Avista Corporation and Micron. She holds a bachelor's degree in business from the University of Idaho and an MBA with an emphasis in IT from Gonzaga University.