Paridhi Gupta, Smart Energy Water

Vice President, Marketing

Paridhi is the Vice President of Product Marketing and Branding at Smart Energy Water (SEW). She is a lifelong learner, always seeking to expand her knowledge and push the boundaries of her creativity. With a secret weapon of combining her love for writing with a knack for analytics, Paridhi creates marketing stories that captivate and inspire.<br /> <br /> At SEW, Paridhi is the driving force behind innovative and impactful global marketing programs. Working closely with a diverse range of teams, she uncovers client needs, stays ahead of industry trends, and tells the story of SEW in a way that is unforgettable. Paridhi takes pride in her work, dedicating herself to delivering the best digital customer and workforce experiences to utilities worldwide, all while never shirking a challenge and always seeking opportunities to learn and grow.